Holy Cross and St. Mark Lutheran Churches
Holy Cross and St. MArk

Why Our Church?

In a world full of questions, God's word offers answers.

God communicates with his people of every generation through his word, the Bible. Because of this, we hold it as the highest authority in our teachings.

Whether you're new to the Bible, or you've studied it your entire life, Holy Cross and St. Mark are committed to grow alongside you in the peace that only comes from faith in the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.

What To Expect?

Quick Questions

Why two churches?

In some ways, Holy Cross and St. Mark are two separate congregations. Both have their own constitutions, councils, and members. But both share in the same ministry. Holy Cross and St. Mark are completely united in their teachings of the Bible and share a pastor who serves both congregations. Special services are often shared between the two churches. Members are welcome to attend either church's services and Bible classes. Many evangelism and fellowship opportunities are shared by both churches as well. Essentially, Holy Cross and St. Mark are one ministry serving two communities.

Who are our members?

Our members come from many walks of life. Some have been Christians their whole lives and some are new to Christianity. Some were born in Menominee County and others have moved here from across the country. Our ages range from just a few months old to people in their 90's. Our church family in many ways resembles a big family, and that's good, because that's what God calls us to be!

What are services like?

Because God calls on us to worship him in an orderly manner (1 Corinthians 14:40), our church services follow a liturgical format. In a service you will hear singing of hymns and psalms, readings and a message from Scripture, and prayers. Some elements of our worship services remain the same every week for comfort and repetition of God's truths, and some elements change every week to focus on the theme of that Sunday.

Is my whole family welcome?

Our churches are made up of people in every stage of life. That's important to us, because God tells us his gospel message of salvation is meant for all different types of people. Because of that, we encourage families to bring their children. Jesus even makes it clear that he wants children participating in worship (Matthew 19:14). We understand that this can be intimidating for moms and dads, who worry about their kids making noise during the service, but we would much rather have God's little lambs making some noise in the place where God wants them to be than not hearing his word. We also have a cry room just outside of the sanctuary with the audio of the service, should parents feel that their children need a moment away.

What is the process for becoming a member?

At Holy Cross and St. Mark, membership means more than a name on a church roster. Membership is about our relationships with one another in a common faith. When we commit to growing in faith together, we take that promise seriously. Our new member process includes but is not limited to an agreement on the truths of the Bible. God calls us to unity in the faith (1 Peter 3:8, 1 Corinthians 1:10, Ephesians 4:3).

Those who would like to join Holy Cross or St. Mark from other WELS churches will be familiar with our beliefs. Others who are experienced in another church, or who have little to know religious background, participate in a Bible information class taught by the pastor.

Holy Cross & St. Mark

What we beleive

Our churches exist to glorify God for the gift of Christ by growing in his word, sharing it with our community, and serving our neighbors.

Below are links to sites that will explain what we believe and teach in more depth:

Our Pastor

Charlie Crass

Pastor Crass was born in Appleton, but grew up in western Illinois since age six. Graduating with his bachelor degree from Martin Luther College in 2016, he then attended Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary before graduating in 2020 and being assigned to Holy Cross and St. Mark.

He married his wife, Christa, in 2018. She teaches 2nd-4th grade at Trinity Lutheran down in Marinette.

During his free time Pastor Crass enjoys golfing, kayaking, and singing.